Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day!

In the spirit of St. Patty's day, I decided to get a little crafty in the kitchen - no corned beef or cabbage for us, more like freaking out and entertaining the kids!  So, I made green pancakes and green scrambled eggs, I also made cinnamon rolls and dyed the icing green in case they couldn't handle the green pancakes!

Well, they were sure surprised!   Honestly, Matthew was the hardest to sell on eating this green food!  Once he saw the other three of us eat it, he began to try it all - very slowly.  But, like the good eaters they are, they all ended up with sunshine plates!

Well, it's cold and cold here.  Chad's in the garage, hopefully putting the finishing touches on the first set of shelves to go in our front room.  The boys are running around - shirtless & sockless.  I am on the computer for now, but am hoping working on a cute skirt for warmer weather can actually change the temp outside!

Matthew has spring break coming up soon - trips to an orthodontist and eye doctor are the highlights thus far.  Ryan had his kindergarten assessment this past week - he said it was fun and "knew how to play all her games."  :)

Well, here's wishing everyone a happy St. Patty's day and nicer weather wherever you are!  

Love, M

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