Friday, February 8, 2013

MD needs to go get her MD

I just thought I'd send out an update ...

The ID (infectious disease) doc believes Ryan indeed has PFAPA.

So, we are waiting for the next round to strike, and when we notice the first sign, we'll give him a 20 mg dose of prednisone and then again 12 hours later.  He should turn on a dime and not get sick at all.  If it works, it is indeed PFAPA.  If it doesn't, sounds like a lot more testing will take place, but he seemed pretty confident that the 'roids would do the trick.  There is still the option to, at some point, to have his tonsils and adenoids removed - which should "cure" him.  Oh - and he's almost back to fighting weight - he's gained back 2 (of the 3) pounds he lost!

Classic Melanie moment - the doc says, "So, you know what he has?" and I say, "PFAPA?"  His confidence in my answer was obvious with a head shake 'yes'.  My ego may not fit in my house too much longer!  :)

We have had a hectic week with getting back into the swing of things, but are relishing in a Dumbris-style Friday night - awesome.  Good night!

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