Thursday, January 31, 2013

this blogging is kind of cool!

The doctor appointment went well - Ryan had no fever (thank you, Tylenol)!  Our pediatrician is great - this is just a little out of his league.  He has his thoughts and opinions  but is having us see an infectious disease doctor next week.  Please keep praying ...

In regards to Matthew - I really can't get used to his silly smile with this big hole on the top of his mouth!  I think losing that top front tooth has aged him greatly!  Hopefully I can get some pics on here soon!

The weekend Chad and Ryan came down for Aunt Julie's baby shower, Matthew and I got a wild hair!  We found bathroom decor sets at Wal-Mart for kids.  Matthew asked if we could get one and I not only said yes, but I said, "Let's paint the boys' bathroom!'  I totally got the cool mom award for the day (maybe the weekend)!!  We went home and painted the bathroom upstairs a semi-tropical blue color and hung an Angry Birds shower curtain, put down Angry Birds rugs and put Angry-Bird wall stickies (from their bedroom) up.  While the mirror was off the wall, I sanded the frame, painted it white, then distressed it a bit.  I thought I could surprise everyone and hang a light fixture all on my own, but wound up calling in reinforcements - Poppy!  Needless to say, we were so excited for Chad and Ry to come home and see our very own version of "While You Were Out:"!  It was a very awesome day!

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